Do You Have Trouble Understanding People When They
Speak Spanish Quickly? 

Has this ever happened to you. After learning a lot of Spanish you start to feel like you've just about got it worked out. Then, feeling confident with your progess, you step out into the world and engage someone in a conversation and...

Rat a tat tat

A machine gun volley of words come flying back at you.

whoa, what, wa wa wa wait a minute... 

Más despacio por favor.

All of a sudden your bubble bursts and you feel like a fraud, a failure and complete beginner all over again.

Sound familiar?

Of course, it does because it happens to all of us sooner or later.

The good news is you can get over this hurdle and improve the
way you hear Spanish.

I'll be accepting a small number of new students shortly in a new program designed specifically to overcome this problem.

To learn more about specific strategies you can use to improve your ability to understand Spanish, even when it is spoken quickly, enter your name and email address in the box below 

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